Pre-Purchase Evaluations and Inspections

Just like a home, new or used, you should have it inspected before you make the purchase.

Sure, it may be under warranty but ask any RV owner and you'll find out there is no such thing as a trouble free RV, new or used.  

The dealer will tell you its under warranty but ask them how long till they can get to it to make the repair. 1 Week, 1 Month or 3 Months...? This is very common in the RV world. New RVers may think that the warranty will cover the hot water heater that does not work. It may, but look at the dealer's lot and see how many units are waiting for service. How many service bays do they have? How many certified techs do they have? 

We are here to help you learn all this up front and make an educated decision if you should consider that model. Our inspection is a basic pre-purchase inspection to allow peace of mind.

We are also available to ensure you know how to use your RV. We can even come to a local Sussex County campground and assist you with setup and training. 

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